Charging Station for urban environments

Focus on relevance

You decide what is important.
Swipe through your parameters like distance or charging time. Then,enjoy your free-time. The automatic messaging service informs you when charging is finished.

Feature sets based on evidence

Big Screen

A big display makes it easy to read information across different distances.

Angled Form

The body of the charging station is angled at the display area. The ergonomic angle guarantees better visibility and interaction

Easy maintenance

Special coated surface and a gap free body makes it the perfect survivor in the city environment.

Information terminal

The charging station is also used as info-terminal for relevant information in different contexts and also for emergency calls.

Easy payment

Easy, frictionless payment for electricity and extra services via Apple Pay and Google Wallet

Touch Screen

Using classic gestures and swiping for easy interacting within the User Interface.

Products developed by customer needs

Frictionless Interaction 

Repeating processes needs to be as easy as possible. Low learning curves and familiarity are the key elements for acceptance.

Transfer Trust

Advantages of new technologies needed to be transported without big explanations. Design can help to create trust.

Enriched Experiences

Additional information and services adds value to the process of charging.

Interaction made for you

Customer identification, Log-In or payments. Every interaction is carefully orchestrated to keep processes as easy as possible.

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